We may have lacked history last week in Gulf Shores while we were caching but today in Mobile made up for that in a BIG way. We left about 8:45 and headed to the downtown area for some caching. Our first cache was called "007" and guess where it was, at the home of a bail BOND business.
We were then on to Washington Square Park for our next cache. The park contains an "Iron Deer" which dates from the 1850's and was made by the Philadelphia Iron Works and was moved to the park from the center of Bienville Square, which is another historic park in the center of Mobile. It now guards the park to the delight of all children. The park also contains a beautiful fountain and many old oak trees.
Then we were off to "The British Park at St John's" which was dedicated to British Rule 1763-1780. St John's Episcopal Church still stands on one corner of the park along with 2 apartments of "Widow's Row" which was apartments for "impecunious widow's and elderly women of good character".
Our next cache was at one of Mobile's oldest cemeteries Church Street Graveyard. It was established in 1819 for yellow fever victims. Buried in the raised toms are Spanish and French citizens and many pioneer Americans. The best known burials are Joe Cain and Julian Lee Rayford both important figures in the history of Mardi Gras. The graveyard was drawn off into rows and lots, the rows numbering 1 to 20 north to south. The lot numbers increase from east to west by tens. The gravestones themselves are significant because they are excellent examples of stone carving work which is considered America's first true folk art. During the 19th century wrought iron and cast iron were often combined in fences, decorative cresting and gates. The cemetery is in dire need of some TLC as it is in quite a state of disrepair and really could be very lovely if it had some attention.
Then it was a multi cache where we had to visit the downtown Mobile Plice Museum and browse through it and answer 6 questions pertaining to the memorabilia in the museum which was quite interesting. Then a simple cache in another downtown park.
Then it was on to The University of South Alabama's Chilrden's and Woman's Hospital and the USA Children's Park. This was simply the most beautiful park we have ever seen, simply gorgeous. The park contained 51 bronze life sized statues along with plaques stating who dedicated them to the hospital. It was built as a place of quiet contemplation, a peaceful place where art and nature can come together and children can set aside thoughts of illness or injury, where families can find respite from worry and the community can leave behind the stress of everyday life. There is a concrete footpath winding through the park, lush soft grass between the footpaths, benches and lighting and many many huge oak trees some more than 200 years old. It really was peaceful walking the path and finding the clues to the cache from the different statues and we enjoyed it so very very much.
On to another small park and a cache under an oak tree roots, then to Dew Drop Inn, the oldest restaurant in Mobile, where we had lunch after we were done caching. They are known for there "hot dogs" which were introduced to Mobile by this restaurant. Jimmy Buffet also grew up in this area and went to McGill High School. It was founded in 1924 and was said to be the inspiration for the song "Cheeseburger in Paradise". It also has cheeseburgers, hamburgers, po' boys, shrimp and turnip greens. Then it was on to Carlen House and a cache near there. This house is a 19th Century Creole Cottage and was home to Michael and Mary Carlen and there 12 children. It now houses a museum and contains antique period furnishings, the family Bible, Kitchen utensils, candle making equipment and a cigar making machine. Next door to this house is Murphy High School and is the oldest school in Alabama at 132 years old. It accommodates 2000 students and 130 faculty and is on the National Register of Historic Places and is built on 40 acres. It has been selected for membership on the College Entrance Examination Board and was a Model High School of the Nation.
Then it was on to Ladd Stadium which is the home of the Senior Bowl and has been for over 50 years. The Bowl features the nation's top collegiate senior football players. It also is home to the Gulf Coast Classic and the GMAC Bowl which features teams from Conference USA and the Mid American Conference and is now the 6th rated bowl game.
Our last cache was at Magnolia Cemetery established in 1836. It encompasses 120 acres and 50,000 burials. The cache was located near a bust of a Confederate soldier and the inscription read "In memory of the gallant dead of the Mobile Rifle Company 1861-1865, go watch o'er the dead in gray, go guard the private and guard the chief and sentinel their clay". Also near this location is a very tall plain stature that is inscribed "The Confederate Dead" which approximately 150-200 Confederate graves.
Well as you can see it was quite a historic day of caching in Mobile. We drove back to the RV and Mom did the logs while I showered and then I looked up a few sites to visit later in the week. It was dinner time and we had leftovers from Lambert Cafe and I am doing the blog now. Well time to say good night and until tomorrow and we love and miss everybody.
Picture List:1-Us with out 1100th cache find at the Admiral Raphael Semmes Monument, 2 & 3-The British Park, 4-Murphy High School, 5 & 6-Ladd Stadium home of the Senior Bowl, 7-The Iron Deer at Washington Square Park, 8-Fountain at Washington Square Park, 9-15-The Old Church Street Cemetery, 16 & 17-Mobile Mardi Gras Museum, 18-Mobile Rifle Company Confederate Monument, 19-The Confederate Dead Monument with the many graves around it, 20-22-Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Church
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