We left this morning for Biloxi and had a nice leisurely drive, as it was only 60 miles here from Mobile, and got here about 11:45. We got all set up and had lunch and took a ride into downtown Biloxi. WOW it was still unbelievable to see the destruction that Katrina had caused here and it wasn't even ground zero.
We stopped at a very lovely memorial to the Hurricane Katrina Disaster. As you all know on August 29, 2005 it struck the Mississippi Gulf Coast and created the worst natural disaster in U. S. history. In February of 2006, Roy Anderson Corp partnered with the ABC reality television show "Extreme Makeover, Home Edition" to build the Hurricane Katrina Memorial on the Biloxi Town Green. Roy Anderson Corp's construction team, including 130 employees and subcontractors, broke ground on Saturday February 11, 2006. The Hurricane Katrina Memorial was unveiled during a public ceremony just five days later on Wednesday February 15, 2006. The granite wall was titled "Katrina" with the date August 29, 2005 stands at 12 feet tall and symbolizes the height of Hurricane Katrina's powerful storm surge with an inlaid mosaic wave to the top of the wall. At the base of the wall is a sculpture encased in glass. The sculpture is made of personal keepsakes donated by victims of Hurricane Katrina. Very lovely and touching to see this and all the damage that is still visible around the city.
We went across the street to the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor and saw the fleet of shrimp boats and the destruction along the piers. We visited the Billy Guice Veteran's Memorial Park, The Hurricane Camille Memorial, The Price of Freedom Monument and some other pieces of history from Mobile. Also in the park are 4 ancient cannons from either a French or Spanish ship sunk in the Bay of Biloxi. They were donated to the City of Biloxi in 1893. Biloxi was founded by the French as "New Biloxi". Capital of French colony of Louisiana, 1721-1722, prior to French removal to New Orleans. Incorporated as a town in 1850 by the Louisiana Legislature. Part of this Memorial Park was built by the Navy Seabees.
After leaving there we drove around Biloxi looking at the damage from Katrina that is still visible. As you drive along the coast highway on the south side all there is is gambling casinos, which seem to have made a complete recovery, and on the south there is just about nothing but empty lot after lot after lot with concrete slabs on them where once stood someones house or business. We saw an Exxon sign but nothing else except emptiness, there was a sign for a well known restaurant but no building. The Museum was in shambles with nothing left but the steel framework and everything else was gone as Katrina blew off the outside and everything inside was evidently sucked out. A warehouse with nothing but and empty shell. It really is amazing to see what Mother Nature can for in all her fury and we can not imagine living through something like this. I do have a few pictures today but will post more as we visit other sections of the city.
We the headed back to the RV and I am doing the blog and we are going to eat soon So we will say until tomorrow and we love you all.
Picture List:1,2,3,4-Hurricane Katrina memorial, 5-Entrance to the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor, 6-Ancient Cannons, 7,8,9,10,11,12-Billy Guice Veteran's Memorial Park, Hurricane Camille Memorial & Price of Freedom Monument Note Pic 11 the damage to the face of the monument from something hitting it during Katrina, 13-Hurricane Katrina Relief Trailers, 14,15,16,17-Some of the still visible damage from Katrina with Pic 16 being the framework of the museum.
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