HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY one and all!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well off to Biloxi for a day of caching and seeing a lot more destruction. We drove into Biloxi and our first cache was located in the Beau Rivage Casino on the top floor of the parking garage and it was called What A View and it certainly was as you can see by the pictures. Then it was on to the Biloxi Town Green and the cache located at the Hurricane Katrina Memorial. It was a puzzle cache located in the green in a tree very close to the Hard Rock Casino which is across the street. Then it was back across the street to the Billy Guice Memorial Park, which we visited yesterday, and a multi-cache all located in the park.
Then we did another multi-cache that took us to a small building that was the birthplace of Barq's Root Beer. Barq's root beer was created by Edward C. Barq Sr. in 1898 and produced on this site until 1936, when the operation moved to Lameuse Street. A Mississippi Gulf Coast favorite, the number of franchise bottlers grew to over 200 by 1950. Acquired by the Coca Cola Company in 1995. For many decades Barq's was not marketed as "root beer". this was in part a desire to avoid legal conflict with the Hires Root Beer Company. The base was a sasparilla drink of the late 19th century and it was decided to just market the soft drink simply as Barq's. Besides the Barq's Root Beer they make Diet Barq's, Barq's Red Creme Soda, Barq's French Vanilla Creme Soda and Barq's Floatz which is designed to taste like a root beer float. We got the necessary information and it was off to the local cemetery for stage 2 of the cache located at the burial place of the founder of the company. After calculating the coords for the final stage it was just a few hundred feet away also in the cemetery.
Then we were off to the Biloxi National Cemetery and a multi cache inside it. We had to locate a grave marker and get some information off it and then go to the final stage which we did easily. Then we did 2 caches in small parks, then a cache located out on a dead end on a fishing road that is on a peninsula that goes out into the Bay of Biloxi. Then a cache at the Margaret Sherry Library, next was 2 caches at local soccer fields, a cache in a shopping center, then a cache in a small cemetery that contained only 5 grave sites. Next was a cache at a Medical Park, one at Home Depot, and the last cache was at a Christian Children's School.
We drove back to the RV and had lunch and I got the caches ready for Mom to do. She finished them and I got dinner ready and started the blog before we ate and now I am finishing it. Well time to say until tomorrow and we love and miss you all.
Picture List:1,2,3-Birth Place of Barq's Root Beer and the founders grave site, 4,5,6,7-Carvings made from the oak trees that were broken off in Hurricane Katrins ( they are all the way up and down the coast highway), 8,9,10-Hard Rock Casino, 11-Abarrier island with all the trees wiped out, 12-A demolished office bldg., 13-Sharkheads Restaurant destroyed, 14-A BBQ & Seafood Restaurant, 15-An Exxon station, 16-A large hotel gone, 17,18,19-Beau Rivage Casino and the view from the top of the parking garage, 20-One of the old mansions in Biloxi (they are repairing it now), 21-Biloxi Lighthouse (now closed), 22-The small cemetery with only 5 grave sites, 23-Saenger Theater was built in 1928 and opened in 1930 with Paramount's first all-talking movie "Interference". It has 1500 seats and they just spent $6.25 million on redoing the whole theater, 24,25-Biloxi National Cemetery.
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