Well we didn't get any bad storms last night as the tornado watch fizzled out again, thank goodness. We did have a little rain and it continued in mid morning so we took our quilt and a few large things to the laundromat to wash them. Just about the time we finished the sun popped out and it started to get very windy. We did bring some caches so we went to see if we could do them. Our first one was in a small town called Lanark and looked like a mobile home community. The cache was on a small par 3 golf course and was hidden behind a "bird Sanctuary" sign. Next it was on to a small park dedicated to the only police officer from Carrabelle to ever die in the line of duty. he was shot answering a call about a domestic dispute in 1977.
Next it was on to the "World's Smallest Police Station". In the 1960's Carrabelle's police phone was located in a call box that was bolted to a building on the corner of the main street. They were having trouble with tourists making long distance calls from it so they moved it but the problem persisted. When the phone company decided to replace an old phone booth with a new one they decided to put the phone in the old booth and move it to it's present location. Unfortunately the calls still persisted so they removed the dial from the phone. The booth has endured many hardships over the years, vandals ripping phones from the booth, holes shot through the glass, being hit by a truck, damaged by hurricane Kate and once a tourist asked a gas station attendant to help him load it in his truck so he could take it back to TN. The booth has been featured on the Today Show, Ripley's believe It or Not and Real People.
Then it was on to a cache in an old cemetery, one on a boat landing by a restaurant, one near a school and the last one by a Christian Center. We then headed back to the RV had lunch and I then fixed Raggs and Muffy's dinner for a few days, took a shower and settled down to watch tv. We are having burgers for dinner tonight and plan on watching tv after. It's very windy here now and getting cooler as I type the blog. Well time to say till tomorrow and we love you all and miss you guys.
Picture List:1-View from the Riverwalk in Carrabelle, 2- View of Dog Island out in the Gulf, 3-5-Town Square Park, 6-World's Smallest Police Station, 7 & 8-View from our RV window.
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