Well today will be the last day of caching in this area as after we find the 11 caches today we will have done all the caches in this area and Tuesday it's on to Mexico Beach. We left about 9:00 and stopped and washed the car first as it was filthy. The first cache was outside the oldest cemetery in Apalachicola, next was a cache outside of Chef Eddie's Magnolia Grill Restaurant, next was a cache behind the Red Rabbit Grocery Store (now Piggly Wiggly), then on to a cache outside a thrift shop, then one near a Happy Feet (penguin) Ice Machine, next was a cache located at The Crab Factory Restaurant that was destroyed by Hurricane Dennis. It really was a shame as we bet that it was a great place to eat. Next cache was hidden along side the road in a bush, next was a multi-cache where you found an ammo box which had the log in it and the log was locked, then you had a clue as to where the second stage was and that held the key to unlock the log so you could sign it. We did at first think the second stage was in a cemetery but then read the clue and we found it easily. Next was a cache hidden on a crossing gate of the now defunct Apalachicola Northern Railroad, then it was on to a 1/4 mile walk on a very lovely boardwalk back into the swamp for a cache hidden at the end, and the last cache was a nice walk in an old botanical garden, which I didn't do, as Mom wet on her own to find it as my leg was bothering me. Then we stopped at Subway and got a sandwich and went to the waterfront to eat it and then it was on back to the Rv and supper soon. Well time to say so long till tomorrow and we love and miss you all.
Picture List:1-Mom and her new friend, 2&3-A motel damaged by Hurricane Dennis in 2005, 4-Here's hoping this helps next time, 5-9-The Crab Factory Restaurant destroyed by Hurricane Dennis in 2005, 10-Apalachicola Bank Clock, 11-Two Friends, 12-Drinking Fountain.
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