Off on our way about 9:30 this morning for a short day of caching starting in Ozark. The first cache was in Lisenby Lake Park up a trail that goes into the woods. It was a very very lovely spot and the lake was beautiful, so quiet with no camps or anything along the shoreline. Then it was on to the Ozark Courthouse for a cache, then to the Ozark Carillion & Tower for one there, then to the Claybank Church for a 2 part multi cache. This church was built in 1829-1830 and was built of round logs with wooden pegs for nails, dirt floors, and puncheon seats. The original church was replaced by the by the present building in 1852. It was used as a voting place, a school and a church. Originally it was non-denominational, it later became Claybank Methodist Church. It is now on the Register of Historic Places.
It was then on to a cache in Daleville and then on to Fort Rucker for a virtual cache and a look at the Army Aviation Museum. We found the cache and then it was into the museum which was well well worth the trip itself. They had a few ww 2 bombers outside and a lot of assorted helicopters inside along with 7 old planes. It was great to see these older planes and read about there history. I have included the pictures in this section of the blog. It was then on back to the RV and we had lunch, did our logs, Mom baked chocolate chip cookies and I took a nap and the cleaned house. One interesting thing is the machine gun and mortar fire we can here in the RV coming from the Demolition Team exercising at the fort both day and night. Doing the blog before supper and then going to watch tv. Time to say till tomorrow and we love you all.
Picture List: 1-Bleriot Xlll, 2-Royal Aircraft Factory BE-2C, 3-Curtiss JN-4D, 4-Wright Military Flyer, 5-Nieuport 28C-1, 6-Sopwith F1 "Camel", 7-Royal Aircraft Factory SE-5A, 8 & 9-Military Aviation Museum, 10-Blackhawk Helicopter, 11-Ozark Courthouse Confederate Monument, 12-Ozark Carillion & Tower, 13-17- Claybank Church.
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