Today was a getting things done around the RV and getting ready to move on tomorrow. Mom cleaned the inside and I worked on getting a little mildew off the awning that had collected recently before it got to bad. I also washed the car and took all the bugs and road tar off of it as it had gotten quite bad here in FL. After that we took a trip into Carrabelle part of the "forgotten coast" of Florida. We had to go to the Dollar Store and the IGA. Then we went to the Camp Gordan Johnston Museum which was a history of WW 2 and the training camp here close to Carrabelle which is now Lanark Village. This village was, during WW 2 a military base for upwards of 10,000 soldiers while they trained for amphibious landings. This camp trained over 250,000 men over the years for amphibious assaults. The camp was sold as homes after the war and is now a low income retirement community. The museum was quite interesting and we enjoyed seeing it. We then went to the town square where the local prisoners had just finished a new memorial park. They just finished over the weekend and had gotten it all sodded and sometime over the weekend vandals tore all the small statues off of their bases and took them to the beach. They did recover the statues and they are now back in place. We then did one last cache here that we didn't find on our original search and then back to the RV for dinner and an evening of tv. Well time to say till tomorrow and we miss you and love you.
Picture List:1-This is a picture of 3 crosses that someone has erected on a small island in the middle of the river, 2-The new memorial park that was just finished last weekend. The small statues in the foreground are the ones that the vandals tore off of there pedestals and took to the beach.
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