Well we were off again on the road early in the morning to Skidaway Island State Park just a few miles outside of Savannah. It was an uneventful trip and we got there about noon, registered and got all set up by one. It is a lovely state park and even has cable TV although not many channels. The sites are huge and you can pick your own by just driving around, rest rooms are clean, walking trails and lots to do. After we got done we had lunch and loaded a few caches in the GPS and we were off. One of the caches was located at the Sidaway Island boat ramp where there is a campground for cats. We pulled up and got out of the car and saw at least 15 cats running in all directions. As we searched for the cache we noticed many many wooden shelters that people had built for the cats and there were also many many many dishes of food all around the area. After we had found the cache we came back out and there was a lady parked near us spreading dry cat food on the pavement. We chatted with herand she said there are about 25-30 cats there that people have just dropped off on the island. Different people have come to build the shelters and feed them daily so they don't starve. Quite interesting. Then it was on back to the campground and we stopped at the Interpretive Center to do a Earthcache. The center is filled with different things such as a dinosaur exhibit, a giant ground sloth fossil replica, birding station, nature exhibits and reptile room with many of the local snakes and bugs found in the area. We did the cache and were off back to the coach and we had dinner and Mom watched the Oscars from start to finish.
Well until next we miss all you guys and love you very much. Mom & Dad Dori & Dick
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