We were up early this morning as we wanted to get an early start as we had a 165 mile drive, we had to fuel up and there was a truck wash down the road from the campgrounds and we wanted to wash the roof of the coach as they had catwalks on each side of the bays. We had breakfast, packed up and were off by 8:30. We got to the wash and surprisingly enough the roof of the coach really didn't need washing. What it needed was a good hand scrubbing with our spot and stain remover so we decided to wait till we get to MB. We got gas in the coach and hit the road for Branson, MO. It was a smooth trip with no problems although we did have to stop and get our small GPS out as the Tom Tom couldn't find the exact address. We did come through the main street that runs through Branson and boy oh boy it's a Myrtle Beach times 10. There is every attraction you can ever imagine here. Wax museums, golf, water parks, wineries, scenic railroad, zip lines, theme parks, go carts, zoo, malls, auto museums, cruises, haunted houses and all kinds of museums. Of course there is also the reason Branson got its nickname as they have over 55 theaters that have live music shows. We are staying about 6 miles south of Branson at the Branson Stagecoach RV Park and we got there about 12:30. It's a first class park and only $20.00 a night. The sites are large pull thrus with concrete pads, full hook ups, great wi-fi, over 75 cable channels and super big clean bathrooms. We set up and had lunch and I found the Yankees-White Sox baseball game and watched that till it was over. Then we took a ride down to see Table Rock Dam and State Park. It is a lovely park with a marina, lots of picnic areas, camping at several spots and the dam is awesome. After we were done looking around we drove back to the coach for the day. Well until tomorrow when we visit Branson we will say good night and we love and miss you all. Mom & Dad Dori & Dick
The pictures on todays post are from Saturday's visit to downtown Nevada, MO.
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