Well this is going to be our last day of caching in Lawrencburg as we are headed to Memphis tomorrow. By the way the weather turned really really cold last night as we had snow flurries and today is cloudy and windy with occasional rain mixed with wet snow.
We started out headed east of town and our first cache was Tractor on a Stick a old tractor on top of 2 sign post advertising salvaged tractor parts. Next cache was at The Green Valley General Store outside of town and it is a store run by the Amish. We found the cache quickly and , of course, had to go inside and look around. Well that was a mistake as the store was loaded with goodies. The clerk was a young girl dressed in traditional Amish clothes. We looked around for quite awhile and finally bought several fried pies and some molasses cookies. Fried pies are just what they sound like it's pie crust filled with filling and then deep fried and they are delicious. Well we left there and headed back into town and stopped at the Powder Mill Hill Store which sold Amish goods, Indian knives, pottery and just about a little of anything you could imagine as you can see by the pictures. It was run by a man who looked like he was right out of the Old West. He was dressed in high leather cavalry boots, fringed jacket and tight blue jeans and had a beard down to his chest, just like Davy Crockett and was he a character. Well we looked around there for awhile and bought some homemade strawbeery jam and were on our way.
Next cache was behind a small garden commemorating one of the mayors of Lawrenceburg and the next cache was at a watering and feed station for the Amish in their horse and buggies, as we are in a very large Amish populated area.
Next cache was between a drug store and a rug store, next was a cache on another old log cabin that we weren't sure what it was, next was a cache in a hollow tree next to a vacant lot, and next was a cache at a small baseball field. Then we drove to Ethridge for 2 caches and hopes of seeing some of the Amish farms and more stores. Well we found the 2 caches one at a small park and the other at the Masonic Hall. Well all the Amish things in town were very commercialized such as carriage rides, welcome centers and tours of the Amish country. We turned around and headed back to Lawrenceburg and on the way we did see several Amish in horse and buggies headed into town and we stopped at Wal Mart and they had several there as they also provide a place for them to water and feed their horses when they come to shop there.
Our last cache was a multi cache that had 4 separate stops to it that we had been doing one at a time as we were doing our other caches so all we had left to do was the final location and that was at the Town Hall. We found that one and headed for DQ to get a treat and then it was off back to the RV and lunch. We got back ate lunch and Mom did our logs and I showered. We just piddled around as we said before we had no TV so the afternoons and evenings had been very boring. We had dinner and sat around twiddling our thumbs and then it was off to bed. Well for today that's about it we will close by saying we love you all. Mom & Dad
Picture List:1-15-The Green Valley General Store, 16-29-Powder Mill Hill Store, 30,31-Powder Keg Country Store, 32-Welcome to Lawrenceburg "The Birthplace of Southern Gospel Music", 33-Tractor on a Stick, 34-Old barn, 35-James J. Pennington HM, 36,37-Choates Creek United Methodist Church Circa 1854, 38-44-Amish people and their horse and buggies.
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