Boy did it rain last would have thought the world was coming to an end and we would need an ark to get out of the campgrounds. We have a pail outside our door with the pooper scooper in it and it was full in the morning and when we went to bed it had about 3" of water in it. No thunder or lightening like they said we were going to get but that was ok. It was still drizzling a little when we got up but we still loaded some caches and off we went. Nothing as nice as yesterday as most of them were close to the campgrounds. We had caches outside a cemetery, at a car wash, at a deserted gas station, a Masonic Hall, 2 behind churches, on the way into a retirement home, under a road sign, near a TN historical marker, one in the woods next to a vacant lot, one at the Dollar Store, one on a guardrail, and one at a fishing spot along the main road next to the lake. So as you can see there wasn't much that was very hard or interesting like the day before. After we finished we drove back to the coach had lunch and Mom did our logs and I took a nap and we watched TV for awhile. Had burgers for dinner and turned in as we are leaving here tomorrow. Well until next time from Lawrenceburg, TN we will say we love and miss you all. Mom & Dad
Picture List:1-Joesph Vann's Town HM, 2-Old Harrison HM.
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