We left about 8:30 this morning for our drive across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel into NC and on to Ocean Waves CG in Waves, NC on the Outer Banks. We paid our $28.00 toll and we were off but before we could get on the bridge we had a cache to find in a scenic lookout before you start over the bridge. We found the cache and were on our way after taking a few pictures although we wished it had been a better day as it was cloudy and rainy. We went over the North Channel Bridge and down into the Chesapeake Tunnel and back out onto the bridge and continued on and into the Thimble Shoals Tunnel and back onto solid ground in VA. The rest of the drive was uneventful as it rained on and off all the way. We stopped at a farm stand and got some veggies and we did see the garage and motor shop for the Monster Truck "Gravedigger". We started out onto the Outer Banks and we were quite surprised at how barren and desolate it was after going through Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills, Whalebone and Nags Head. Those 4 towns all looked like a miniature Myrtle Beach with shops, restaurants and all kinds of things to do along the main drag. Off to the left and right back behind the business strip was 1 or 2 rows of condos, homes or apartments and behind those was the ocean. Once we made the turn onto RT 12 along the ocean we were in the Cape Hatteras National Park and all we saw was sand, sand and more sand. Once we drove onto RT 12 and the Cape Hatteras Park we drove out onto Pea Island and there was not a house or business to be seen until we got to Rodanthe and Waves which was approximately 24 miles. We got to the campgrounds, checked in and went to set up in the pouring rain. I got soaked but that's life. Once we got done we took a drive around to see what was around and let us tell you not a heck of a lot. This time of year a lot of things are closed or only open on weekends. Back at the coach we watched some TV before dinner and ate then we settled in on a rainy night for some more TV as it was nice to have cable for a change. Well time to say until tomorrow we love you all. Mom and Dad
Picture List:1-Driving off the CBBT, 2,3-Driving to the second tunnel, 4-Thimble Shoals Tunnel, 5,6-Chesapeake Tunnel, 7,8-Driving to the first Tunnel, 9,10-View from the pull off at the north entrance, 11-All set to go, 12,13-View from the pull off at the north entrance.
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