It was raining on and off this morning so seeing as we didn't have anymore caches to do we decided to visit the St Joesph's Indian School, Our Lady of the Sioux Chapel and the Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center which were all in the same complex.
The St Joseph's Indian School has a long interesting history in South Dakota. In 1923 Fr. Henry Hogebach, SCJ came to the US from Germany. His ministry led him to the lower Brule Reservation in South Dakota. Spring 1927: Fr. Hogebach received permission to purchase the Columbus College campus at Chamberlain, South Dakota for $40,000. Fall 1927: Fr. Hogebach opened St. Joseph's Indian School with 53 Lakota boys and girls. In the face of these dismal predictions, Father Hogebach purchased the property. School opened in the fall of 1927 with 53 Lakota (Sioux) boys and girls. Father Hogebach with the Lakota (Sioux) students of St. Joseph's Indian School. Father Hogebach reads with the Lakota ( Sioux) children on the steps at St. Joseph's Indian School. In the following years, the school saw many hard times, but through God's grace and Fr. Hogebach's dedication school opened every fall. Through the gifts from many generous friends, Father Hogebach was able to obtain enough supplies to meet the needs of the children and Benedictine Sisters who worked there.
Much of his time was spent raising funds to keep the school open; donations of clothing, shoes, medication and other supplies were greatly appreciated and well-used... just as they are today. Over 80 years later, St. Joseph’s Indian School serves 200 Lakota boys and girls, providing them with a safe, stable environment that responds to the needs of the whole person.
Father Henry lost no time after he acquired the buildings for St. Joseph's Indian School. September 1927: 53 children from the Cheyenne River Reservation started school. Winter 1928: Fr. Henry went east to solicit sisters for the coming year. He was promised four sisters from Glen Riddle, Pennsylvania for the new school term: two teachers and two sisters for the housework. The salary the sisters demanded was a daily prayer for blessings on their Community and for vocations. September 1929: the Franciscan Sisters arrived from Glen Riddle, Pennsylvania a few days before school started. Sister Quitteria had 32 years of experience in the classroom. She was the first Superior of St. Joseph's. Sister Jeanne (teacher), Sister Columba, Sister Lillian and Sister Ambrosia took over the domestic charges. The school bus brought 75 Lakota children from the Cheyenne River Reservation to St. Joseph’s. The mission became more like a home under the guidance of the sisters and many of the difficulties experienced the first year never made themselves felt in latter years. The children became very attached to the sisters.
hese are excerpts from the Sister's Diaries:
November 28, 1929
St. Joseph's Indian School cared for 53 children from the Cheyenne River Reservation in 1927.
This is the original St. Joseph's Indian School. It was destroyed by fire in 1931.
Thanksgiving week was a busy one at St. Joseph's. Two government doctors and a nurse paid us a visit to look after the health of the children. Six had their tonsils removed and five had their eyes operated on for Trachoma. All operations proved successful even though the little patients could not see what they were eating...and the tonsil patients were not able to swallow.
January 3, 1930 Our laundry building was destroyed by fire. The priest's dining room was taken over for the laundry. Today is washday and since it has been rather cold for a long time, all the water lines leading to the building are frozen. The big boys are busy thawing them out with blow torches. It is a real calamity to be without water. Our whole water system ought to be changed, but our empty treasury forbids even such necessary improvements.
1934-1935 The depression is at its peak and times are hard. In the spring Sr. Pauline took sick and had to be taken to the Pierre Hospital. She recovered somewhat, but before the new school year opened the Lord called His faithful handmaid home. Sister Cecilia and Helen Durkin were quarantined for several weeks after contracting scarlet fever.
Many of the children were undernourished and sickly. In November we sent one little girl away because her condition was a danger to the other children with whom she associated. She had neither parents nor home. An old Indian lady took her, but she was very poor and had not much herself. We tried everything to get the child into a hospital or sanitarium. We had no success the girl developed tuberculosis and died three months later.
December 25, 1935 At midnight Mass, the crib with baby Jesus greets the children and makes them happy. Brother Mathias spent many an hour building it. The Sisters and the older girls knew how to make it look real. The cave in Bethlehem is there, the shepherds and their flock and in the distance the mountains of the Holy Land. Father explained to the children that the first and best Christmas gift is Our Lord, who became our Brother. From Him all other gifts take their meaning.
March 28, 1937 Easter joy reigned everywhere on the mission. The hard days seemed to be over. Our electricity has been connected again and the sun did its best to melt the huge drifts of snow.
May 1937 The results of the examinations are in. Evelyn, one of our Indian children, was highest in the county among 99 eighth-grade graduates. Besides holding the first place in the county, two others made the Honor Roll. The achievement is more outstanding when one considers that the children spend only half a day in class, the other half is taken up with manual training and work in the different departments of the school.
April 30, 1938 Yearly May devotions start again in front of the Grotto of the Blessed Virgin Mary. During the evening recreation, the bell rings and the children and Sisters gather from wherever they may be at the time to honor the Blessed Virgin. The singing and prayer in the open air appeal to all.
January 7, 1941
Father Henry, the founder of St. Joseph's Indian School, was killed in a car accident in 1941.
Father Henry, the founder of St. Joseph's, is dead - the victim of a reckless driver. Father Henry was on his way from Donaldson, Indiana to Chicago with Brother Fidelis. He was to address a meeting in Chicago about our work in the missions in this country and abroad. Passing an intersection on Highway 6 near Calumet City, a car from a side road, disregarding the stop sign, ran into his car. Father Henry and Brother Fidelis were killed instantly.
September 1941 School opens in September with the following Sisters: Sr. M. Raphael, Superior; Srs. Cherubim, Cecilia, Hyacinth, Innocent, Camilla, Daniel, Melitta, Linus, Candeda, Eloba and Ruby. We have 160 children. Military training is felt even on the missions. So far, we have not succeeded in finding a Perfect for our boys. Brother John has come to help Brother Mathias.
Summer 1942 This year the wide prairie is inhabited by thousands of seagulls. At mealtime, they swoop down on the prairie. It seems not a single hopper can escape wherever the ravenous birds are. The gulls must be God’s answer to our repeated prayers for deliverance from the insect pests. Hay is abundant and rich and there is no need to worry about feed for the livestock. The pastures are better than ever. We are able to keep our dairy herd on the mission this year. The war has brought higher prices in everything.
January 1943 The registration of our oldest boy has brought the war closer to us than at any other time. Through no fault of his own, Wilfred is older than the average boy in the eighth grade. Nevertheless, it sounds strange that boys in grade school must leave for the army camp. Wilfred is gone now, awaiting the call of this country. He has not finished eighth grade.
September 1947 1947-1948 marks the 20th anniversary of St. Joseph's. A larger enrollment than ever brought our total number of Indian students to 221. Many of the children this year are quite small. With so many small ones, it means additional work for the Sisters, who must constantly look after the "Little Tribe" for they are far too small to do everything for themselves. The children do not mind the limited space. At home, an entire family is often held to a one-room shack. Here they can go to school, have warm meals, learn religion, and enjoy the companionship of other little girls and boys.
September 1949 - 1950 Two hundred and thirty youngsters came, bringing with them just the clothing they were wearing. We need everything for the children. Yet, who can turn away a homeless orphan or neglected child?
School has begun and already we have a flock of food bills to contend with. Our "Little Tribe" has increased in numbers. So much so, that every place is filled to capacity. We are short desks, more beds are needed, and chapel space is at a premium. The walls bulge, there are a few moans and groans - but, seemingly we live through it.
May 1952 Our graduation class numbers 16 boys and girls who reach a new milestone in their lives. Much depends on the road they choose this summer. In giving prizes at the end of the year, special attention was given to good behavior.
December 1953 After much prayer and pleading, we were finally allowed to have the plans for the new chapel completed, but when the time came to open bids, permission on the part of the Provincial to go ahead was refused. Sadness filled the hearts of all at St. Joseph's. The Christmas campaign was exceptionally good and the money for the building was almost together. (Editor's note: Our Lady of the Sioux Chapel was dedicated in 1956.)
September 1955 - 1956 Opening of school and 260 children enrolled. Overcrowded facilities will readily prove that St. Joseph's was never built to house 260 boys and girls. However, where there is a question of need, we strain our effort in every direction. We fail only in regard to the chapel where it is a physical impossibility to fit some of our tiniest tots for daily Mass and Benediction.
Summer 1957 There are a lot of noises here like: the big booming sound of dump trucks and steel trucks carrying in supplies for the construction work; the whirring of grass mowers, continually giving our lawns a short butch haircut; the pounding of the carpenters, hammering nails and sawing boards. The new boys' house is growing by leaps and bounds as Hugh McGranns' men lay bricks and hoist heavy steel beams into place. Already, the brick building has grown up to the second floor and the contractor hopes to have it under roof by the end of October. In the basement floor, there will be shops for the workmen, the carpenters, electricians, the plumbers, painters, and mechanics. Up on the ground floor, the workers are pouring the playroom floors and the athletic room. You can look out the playroom windows and see the mighty muddy Missouri River flowing by. In the athletic room, basketball hoops will be hanging from the walls for practice games.
December 25, 1958 All of the children remained with us this year for Christmas. It was, as always, a very happy time. The children attended Midnight Mass the night before and another Mass at 8:00 in the morning. In the afternoon, they had their usual Christmas party.
September 1960 School opens with an enrollment of 331. This year the school has a new Principal, Sr. Canicia. Being Principal of a grade school is an old task for Sister, but this year is her first in charge of a boarding school. She is also teaching the eighth grade. This means much of the desk work in connection with the school will be transferred to our office.
May 1964 This year, graduation exercise had a special touch. For the first time, the class wore beautiful red graduation gowns. Father Jude delivered the graduation address and passed out the diplomas. At the exercise, Sharon and Lawrence were given the awards for being the best all around eighth graders. Evangeline and Leonard were given the awards for having the highest averages.
1968 The new school (Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center today) was built to relieve overcrowding. The nuns were replaced with lay volunteers when the school was built.
1970 The present dining hall was completed with modern facilities. Today, it provides lunch during the school day and serves as a grocery shop for the homes.
1975 A new gym with a swimming pool was built to provide year-round activities for the students, especially during the long winter months.
1979 This was an experimental year. Ten students and two houseparents were housed in the St. Francis Home to give the students a more family-like setting. After evaluation, this living arrangement was found to be beneficial for the students.
1980-1983 The Lakota (Sioux) children attending St. Joseph's Indian School attend mass at Our Lady of the Sioux Chapel.
The conversion from dormitories to residential living units was completed. Each home houses 10-12 students. Family living units changed the way St. Joseph's operated by providing a holistic approach of care for the students.
1985 Our Lady of the Sioux Chapel, built in 1956, was completely remodeled. The Catholic and Lakota traditions are brought together in the chapel design.
1989 The former boys' dormitory, facing the Missouri River, was remodeled into classrooms to allow 12 students per class. Smaller classrooms were needed to better assist the various student needs.
An additional family living unit was also built in 1989.
1990 The development office and visitor's center opened in 1990. The visitor's center welcome 25,000 visitors to campus each year. The development office reaches out to millions of people each year to join in social service and apostolate of prayer programs.
1991 The high school boys' home is purchased. This is the first family living unit located off St. Joseph's campus. One of the reasons for locating the home in town was to integrate the program more closely into the life of the local community.
The Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center honors the Lakota people and serves as an educational center for the Lakota children at St. Joseph's Indian School.
1992 The round school was converted to the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center to showcase and embrace Lakota culture.
1994 Tipi Press Printing opens providing an on-campus print shop to print direct mail for the development program. Tipi Press Printing brings greater flexibility and decreased costs.
1996 The Tiyospaye Center opens, allowing families of students a place to stay while visiting their children on campus.
2000 A tunnel was built between the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center and gym to connect heating, etc.
2001 A new SCJ home was constructed for religious staff.
2003 Opened the Kateri Home - two new high school homes - after renovating the former SCJ residence.
The Sacred Hoop Center was built on St. Joseph's Indian School's campus in 2004.
The Sacred Hoop Center offers family and individual services in therapy, counseling, education, group work and career counseling.
2003 Purchased Main Street building for the Thrift Store. Some of St. Joseph's students are employed at the Thrift Store. The store supplies clothing to people from around the area, including local reservations.
2004 Built the Sacred Hoop Center to integrate family members into day-to-day student programming at St. Joseph's.
2006 30th Annual Powwow and ground breaking for two new high school homes.
2007 New high school homes are dedicated during the 31st Annual Powwow.
Since 1927, St. Joseph's Indian School has provided care and education for Native American boys and girls. St. Joseph's Indian School's stated mission is to provide for the basic welfare of children (food, clothing and medical care) with special emphasis on the spiritual, emotional and educational.
Nearly 200 Native American children call St. Joseph's Indian School home.
Children as young as six join our program. These students attend our private school on our campus, while high school students attend the local public high school.
These precious children come from the poorest of the poor and their needs indicate they can be successful with our professional curriculum.
* 13% of our students live with both biological parents
* <50% of the children live with a biological parent
* >50% of our students have been exposed to drug or alcohol abuse
* Nearly 52% of the Native American children have been exposed to domestic violence
It was very interesting to walk and drive around the school and see the dorms and classrooms. There are 12 children to each house and they have a couple who watches them and sees to their needs.
Then we walked over to the Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center and walked through it. Constructed in 1968, the building currently home to the Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center once served as the school on St. Joseph's campus. Roughly 10 years after its construction, students shifted from dormitories to family living units.
This change prompted St. Joseph's administrators to reduce class sizes. This change better met the students' individual needs. As a result, a dormitory was converted into classroom space. In 1989, renovations were completed and students began a new era of education at St. Joseph's Indian School.
Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural CenterSoon after classes began in the new school building, transformation began on the 14,180 square foot structure which would house the Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center.
Designed by Brother Bonaventure and Father Lind in the 1960's, the building's circular shape offered a unique site to display the history of the Lakota people.
The distinctive design was also very stable. The design was supported by beams allowing for adjustment to the shifting ground.
The Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center opened in May 1991 and welcomes thousands of visitors every year. It features a renowned collection of art by Lakota, Dakota and Nakota artists as well as unique cultural displays.
In addition, the museum’s outside walls depict 10 Lakota and Dakota chiefs (see pictures). You won't see many pictures from inside the Museum as cameras were not allowed as there was so much negative controversy about the "white man" and what he had done to the Indians over the years but I was able to sneak a few pictures in some of the out of the way rooms.
The Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center (Akta Lakota means to honor the people) is an educational outreach, which strives to preserve and promote Lakota (Sioux) culture, of St. Joseph's Indian School. The museum strives to preserve and promote!
Our museum is a tribute to the Sioux nation and offers visitors a rare and fascinating glimpse into the Lakota culture. Since the museum's opening in 1991, thousands of people worldwide have been captivated by the unparalleled style, scale and richness of the facility and its displays of Lakota life — both past and present.
Visitors are taken on a visual journey through the proud heritage of the Sioux and into the excitement of contemporary Sioux art.
The Akta Lakota Museum is the only Native American cultural center of its kind. The facility is more than a traditional museum; it is an experience that provides visitors with a living lesson on the Native American way of life.
Then we walked over to the Our Lady of the Sioux Chapel. The church was beautiful inside with a tapestry, statues and the stained glass windows. Our Lady of the Sioux and Joseph the Worker statues also adorn the front of the chapel. Both creations were fashioned by Brother Bonoventure, SCJ. Carved in Italy, the statues were made from a single piece of wood.
The Blessed Mother and the child Jesus are depicted in Lakota fashion by Our Lady of the Sioux statue. Joseph the Worker statue represents the care and love given by Joseph to Mary and the child Jesus.
Oscar Howe's Indian Christ was replicated into a tapestry, which is the focal point behind the altar.
At seven-feet by 10-feet six inches, the tapestry honors Jesus and all he stands for, while incorporating amazing artistry and feeling.
The tapestry is woven with Norwegian tapestry wool, the piece was created using Norwegian and French techniques.
Weaving the tapestry took about 700 hours. Grete B. Heikes interpreted the original work by Oscar Howe, a Yanktonai Sioux born on the Crow Creek Indian Reservation.
Howe is a renowned Native American artist and considered to be the "Father of Contemporary Native American Art."
The Sacred Pipe and Seven Sacred Lakota Rites:
The Sacred Pipe White Buffalo Calf Woman, who brought the sacred pipe to the Lakota, was a messenger of the Great Spirit. The holy pipe is used throughout the seven sacred rites as a means of divine communication with Wakan Tanka – the Great Spirit.
Hanblecheyapi — Vision Quest The vision quest is an important way of praying and is at the center of the Lakota ways. Men and women lament or cry for a vision. Men retreat to a high, lonely mountain, while women seek the protection of a valley. From these visions, the people received many good things –– including the four great rites.
Inipi — Rites of purification The rites of purification are considered very sacred and are used to summon strength for endeavors requiring great power. Utilizing the onikare (sweat lodge), all the forces of the universe (earth, water, fire, air) are united to purify the people as the Great Spirit wills.
Wiwanyag Wachipi — Sundance One of the greatest rites — the Sundance — is held during the Moon of Fattening (June) or the Moon of Cherries Blackening (July). It is always held when the moon is full as a reminder of man’s ignorance, which comes and
goes like the growing and dying of the moon. Full, the moon is likethe eternal light illuminating the sacred path.
Nagi Gluhapi — Keeping of the Soul Through this rite, souls of the dead are purified and love for one another is increased. Family members continue to remember their loved one’s soul through prayer and sacred ceremonies. Usually after a year, the soul is released through rituals led by the keeper of the pipe. The soul is then
sent on the sacred path to the Great Spirit.
Hunkapi — Making of relatives Making of relatives establishes an earthly relationship between individuals to extend the Great Spirit’s love to people of all
nations. Peace gained through this ceremony unifies the souls of men with the universe and the center, which is God — the real peace.
Ishna Ta Awi Cha Low An — Preparing a girl for womanhood. This rite, preparing a girl for womanhood, celebrates the sacred changing of a girl into a woman. At this time, she is instructed in the ways her life will change and about the responsibilities which will fall upon her as she assumes the duties performed by Mother Earth.
Tapa Wanka Yap — Throwing of the ball. Throwing of the ball has become a game analogous to the course of an individual’s life. As teams try to obtain the ball to score, so the individual tries to attain understanding of the Great Spirit’s teachings. In today’s game, one or two of four teams are able to win; the significance of the original ritual depended upon the ability of all the people to
have the ball and to learn to live a sacred life.
The stained glass windows were simply lovely and unfortunately I couldn't get pictures of them all as they had some contruction going on outside the church and they had 4 of them blocked. After we were done in the chapel we walked back to the car in the rain and headed for the coach. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening dodging the raindrops as we had severe storms forecast for the rest of the day. Well that's about all from Oacoma for today so until tomorrow we love and miss you all. Mom & Dad Dori & Dick
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