Yesterday morning we went out to do some more caches here in Casper. Before we left about 6:30 we had a tremendous thunder and lightening storm along with high winds and hail. It lasted about 45 minutes and as you can see by the pictures the hail stuck and stayed on the ground for awhile. After it stopped we headed out into Casper. It's kind of been a little disappointing here as far as caches are concerned as people don't seem to be taking care og their caches and it seems as if there is a larger number of them missing than usual. Well anyway our first cache was located in Pioneer Plaza in the middle of downtown. Pioneer Plaza is on the site of the old Oregon Trail and in the plaza are a monument and a statue as well as 2 plaques.
Next was a cache on a iron fence at the bottom of a hill in a park, then we did a 2 stage multi-cache that was hidden behind a power box, then it was a cache in a guardrail around some tennis courts and finally 2 in small parks. So as you can see we only did 6 caches in almost 3 hours and that is terrible. We must have looked for 6 others at least and driven to another 4 and didn't even attempt them for one reason or another. So it was on back to the coach for the day. After dinner we drove down the road close to the Interpretive Center to watch the Casper fireworks which were great. Mom really enjoyed being up close and personal with the boom booms and she really liked them. Well that's about it for today from here so until tomorrow we love and miss you all. Mom & Dad Dori & Dick
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