Monday the day after the triathlon was kind of like coming down off a high as we kind of felt a let down after all the excitement of the previous day and of Chris finishing the race. We just hung around the coach watching TV and reading till we heard from Corinna later in the afternoon. Chris felt pretty good for what he had just gone through but didn't get much sleep that night as he was sore and couldn't get comfortable in bed. He slept on and off through the day and was ready to get some dinner. So we drove into Placid and we all went to dinner at a restaurant up the street from their motel. Chris was telling us that there were a lot of wipe outs on the bike portion of the race because of the rainy slippery roads, and there were many many competitors that didn't finish and even a few of the pros didn't make it. After dinner we got ice cream and they went back to the motel and we drove back to the coach and hit the hay.
Tuesday Chris and his family left for home and Mom and I did a little caching. Really all we did was 2 caches as it seems that the people that place caches up here in the Adirondacks seem to like to place them deep in the woods and it really was to wet to walk through the woods after Sundays downpours. We did find out they had almost 3" of rain on Sunday, enough to soak us 3 or 4 times. We did find a cache just off the road in the woods and another near a train station, nothing really to interesting. We'll be glad when we get back on the road and can start finding some interesting caches. Then it was on back to the coach and we just hung around again for the afternoon reading and watching TV. We had dinner and watched TV and went to bed.
Wednesday we packed up and headed for Albany, NY and our stay at Wally World for the night before heading for CT and our stay at Chris's. It started pouring almost immediately after we left the campgrounds and rained all the way to Albany. After we got set up then the rains really came. Torrential downpours, thunder and lightening almost all night. We did get a little break in the early afternoon and went out and got a couple of caches near Walmart. Both were set just off the road behind trees and were fairly easy finds. We headed back to the coach and watched TV as by this time the rain had set in. We got dinner at Panera's and went to bed early. Well that's about all the news that's fit to print and we love you all and miss you guys.
Picture List: 1-Chris, Corinna, Tyler & Alexis the day after the triathlon after we had had dinner, 2,3,4,5-Adirondack Mountains.
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