The dinner we had at the campgrounds last night really was good. It was catered by Star Cafe who advertise "best fried chicken in the world" and let me tell you that wasn't far from the truth. It was very very good along with the BBQ pulled pork, corn, baked beans, cole slaw and fresh baked rolls made it well worth the price. Wish we could say the same about the music as as expected it was country/western sung by a young girl who didn't have a bad voice but the songs she sung were, shall we say, not good and leave it at that.
Well it was off caching again this morning and we ended up finding 13 of the caches we took with us. There were several that we decided not to do for one reason or another like to deep in the woods, to close to houses or to many muggles around. Our first three caches were located in an industrial park, one under a tree, one in a light pole and the other in some tall grass. Fourth cache was at the home of a local cacher that has a infinity for dalmations, fifth, was on a guardrail near a shopping center, sixth, was in a light post at the post office, seventh, was behind a shopping center on a drain pipe, eighth was a virtual cache at Manskers Fort, which we plan on visiting later in our stay here as we couldn't today because we had Muffy and Raggs with us and it was to hot for them to stay in the car for very long so we are going to go back, ninth, was near a bench commemorating a local man, Homer "Homey" Irwin, that was killed in a car accident, tenth, was behind a shopping center in a drain tube, eleventh, was in the woods put out by a young girl, twelveth , was at the base of a tree near a medical park and the thirteenth was near a Wally World in a rock cliff. Not to many historic caches today so we don't have many pictures to put on this blog. We drove back to the RV and had lunch, Mom did the logs and I showered and now I am watching TV and Mom is reading outside so I decided to do the blog. Well almost time to feed the dogs and time to eat dinner so we will say until tomorrow and we love you all very much.
Picture List:1-Homey's Bench, 2-Dinner at campgrounds, 3-Country/western singer at dinner.
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