We decided this morning to take a short trip into Jackson to do some caching in the downtown area seeing as we didn't get into that area the other day when we were there. We started out with a cache located at the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Circa 1925, then a cache located near the Mississippi Museum of Art, next was a cache in a small park in downtown, then it was on to City Hall and a cache near the statue of Andrew Jackson, next cache was in a hole in the corner of a parking garage, on to where the old Sears and Roebuck Building used to stand and a cache located near the street, next was on to a new monument called Heroes Wall in downtown and the last cache was in Greenwood Cemetery. This cemetery was established by Federal Grant in 1821. originally called "The Graveyard" and then "City Cemetery" and it received its present name in 1899. Here lie seven state governors and many other state and city leaders and 100 unmarked graves of Confederate soldiers. We didn't feel that there was a much old history as there was in Vicksburg but it was a lovely city.
We drove back to the RV and had lunch and I did some cleaning of the front of the RV taking the bugs off and Mom did the logs. She par cooked short ribs for dinner tonight and I watched the Flyers-Capital hockey game and the Masters and am getting ready for the Yankee-Red Sox game tonight. Well time to feed the dogs and almost time to finish dinner so we will say until tomorrow from Kosciusko along the Trace as we are leaving Clinton and on our way to Tupelo. We love you all and miss you very much.
Picture List:1-Washington Street-Vicksburg Commercial Center, 1A-No Title, 2-The 1953 Vicksburg Tornado, 3-No Title, 4-Two Bridges at Sunset, 5-Oh Temple High, 6-President McKinley Visits the "Land of Cotton", 7-Carr School, 8-The Steamer Sprague, 9-Brothers of the Sacred Heart, 10-Logging on the River, 11-Crossing the Missisippi, 12-Teddy Roosevelt Bear Hunt, 13-Vicksburg Waterfront Circa 1907, 14-"The Blues are the Roots, the Rest are the Fruits" Willie Dixon, 15-The Sultana's Last Voyage, 16-Sisters of Mercy, 17-"New Beginnings and Lasting Legacies", 18-Joesph Biedenharn and the First Bottling of Coca-Cola, 19-Dedication of the Illinois Monument Vicksburg National Military Park, 20-Welcome to Vicksburg Waterfront Murals, 21-No Title, 22-Early Exploration-Fort Nogales, 23-The Selection of a President, 24-The War Between the States, 25-Greenwood Cemetery 100 Confederate dead, 26,27-Heroes Wall, 28-One of the Churches in downtown Jackson.
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