Well it poured rain last night but by 8:00 it had cleared off and was sunny but very cool and windy but we set off for some caches near to the campgrounds. Our first stop was a cache at a library, then off to Hardees, next was a cache located behind a small plaza and then on to the first of 3 caches in small parks. We then went into downtown Alabny to there river walk and found a cache along the Flint River in a tree and then 2 more located in and near the civic center which is across from the river walk and is hardly ever used. Then it was on to a very very questionable part of town for a casche hidden along some railroad track, which we thought was a no no. Next was a cache hidden in a hole in a concrete light post, then on to Bennett memorial Gardens which is located in a very ritzy section of town and is a very beautiful location. Then on to the Albany Fairgrounds and a cache there, next was a cache located near a pecan grove and lastly a cache in the woods near a deserted field. Make sure you see the picture of Mom climbing the tree at one of our park caches too. There wasn't much history today in any of the caches that we did but we did see The Ray Charles Plaza in downtown Albany a very lovely little section of the river walk. Ray Charles was born in Albany so this was to commemorate his fame and they play his music all the time as you walk into the area. We brought or lunch with us and ate by the river then went back to the RV and had dinner and watched tv. By the way I got nailed by another tick yesterday while we were setting up the RV as I think I got it while I was sitting on the ground connecting the cable tv. Oh well live and learn but I didn't think because of the cold weather they would be out but I guess I was wrong. Well time for bed and we love you all.
Picture List: 1-4 Ray Charles Plaza, 5 Tweety in a tree.
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nice travel blog.
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