Welcome to our Blog

We would like to welcome all our sons, daughter-in-laws, grandchildren and great friends to our blog where we hope you will follow us , the 2 lost gypsies, as we travel around the United States geocaching and seeing all the lovely landscapes and great historical sites. Thank you for visiting and we will see you soon.

Mom & Dad...Grandma & Grandpa.....Dori & Dick

About Us

Anytown, We Hope All of Them, United States
Two wandering gypsies!!!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Caching on Tybee and Wilmington Islands - 1/21/08 GO GIANTS

We left this morning about 9:15 a.m. and headed for the west end of Tybee Island to finish off the rest of the cache on the island. We started with 2 caches on a deadend road - one a bed & breakfast for travelbugs and geogoins and the second overlooking the marsh in an old tree. Then it was on to a road leading to several restaurants and the wharf for our 800th find which was hidden in a tree covered by moss. The next cache was a micro commemorating a policeman who was killed in the line of duty. Next was another cache hidden along a deadend road in a tree and then it was on to Fort Pulaski which is located on Cockspur Island, just a little ways from Tybee. The fort was built in the 19th century to guard the river approaches to Savannah, Ga. Named for Count Casimir Pulaski, the Polish hero of the American Revolution who lost his life in the unsuccessful siege of Savannah in 1779. We paid our admission fee and went into the fort and looked around for approx. 30 minutes. We did a virtual cache there concerning the Brooke Rifle which was a cannon sitting on the top of the wall overlooking the Savannah River where the Union Army successfully tested a rifled cannon. The success of the test rendered brick fortifications obsolete. The fort was also used as a prisoner or war camp. By the turn of the 20th century, the fort began to fall into disrepair. In an effort to save the fort the War Department declared it a National Monument on October 15, 1924.
It was then on to Wilmington Island and 3 caches in the woods and in different neighborhoods. We had lunch at McDonalds and it was back to Tybee and Tybee Memorial Cemetery, the only cemetery on the island where there are 800 burials recorded therein. We had tried to do a multi cache last week and couldn't find the actual cache so we came back today to look for it and were successful. Then it was back to the RV and we had supper and watched some t.v. Picture list: 1- Powder Magazine, 2 & 3-General Olmstead's Quarters where he surrendered in 1862, 4 & 5-Rooms where the prisioners were kept, 6 & 7-2 rooms that were used a bunk houses, 8-Brooke Rifle, 9, 10, 11 & 12-views inside the fort from below and the top of the walls, 13 & 14- Tybee Memorial Cemetery the second picture shows where 3 people were buried that had washed ashore, 15-overlooking the marsh, 16-Cockspur Island Lighthouse, 18- Mom & Dad with our 800th cache and 19-Tybee Memorial Cemetery. We love all you guys and miss you all.

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