Monday Mom and I hung around the coach waiting for Anna and Caitlin to come home but what we didn't know was that Scott and Cheryl were going to pick them up on their way home from Saratoga. Everybody arrived home at the same time, obviously, which was about 1:30. It was good to see the kids again and also Cheryl and Scott. They had a good time at Saratoga and did end up winning a little money at the races. We had cooked dinner so Cheryl didn't have to as she had her hands full unpacking for everybody and we ate and watched TV.
Tuesday we had to leave Binghamton at 6:30 as Muffy had a follow up appointment with the vet to have her ears checked. The vet said that they had improved but the ear canal still was swollen a little bit so she prescribed the Tresaderm drops we had been giving her for awhile longer. After we were done there we went to Wegman's to stock up on groceries as we were getting back on the road tomorrow, went to the bank, stopped at Wal Mart to pick up a new coffee maker and stopped at Tim's to drop some things off and pick up our mail. When we were done that we went to Applebee's for lunch with Ceil and Mark. After we were done there I had a follow up doctor's appointment to have my blood pressure checked and that was fine so after we were done there we headed back to Apalachin. Cheryl had fixed a great dinner that night which consisted of pork roast, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad and fruit. For dessert Cheryl had bought me a Wegman's ultimate chocolate cake and she also got a chocolate cream pie. Scott and I had a fantasy football draft in Sean's league so we finished off the day doing that.
Wednesday we were off for the deep south and our first stop will be Fantasy Island Campground in Sunbury, PA. Before we left we woke Anna up early as it was her first day of school. She had breakfast and then got dressed and wore a new outfit that Mom had gotten for her when they went shopping last week. Boy did she look great...... quite a beautiful young lady she is becoming. Take a look at the pictures and see if you don't agree. Mom then took her to school and met her new teacher and said her goodbyes. We got all packed up and said goodbye to Rachel and we were off. It took us about 3 hours to get to Sunbury and the campgrounds. The campgrounds is on an island in the middle of the Susquehanna River and is very nice and clean. We got all set up, took a ride around town and came back for the afternoon. We had dinner and watched TV. Well that's about all from here so until next time we love and miss you all.
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