Wednesday I got tired of sitting around the house so I drove down to the Heritage Shores Nature Park and did a couple of caches. The park is located in Cherry Grove just about a mile from our place. Of course Mom couldn't go as her back still is hurting quite a bit and it's hard for her to walk. The park is fairly new and it was a lovely walk of about 1.2 miles round trip and I did find the 2 caches but didn't see any wildlife except for a blue heron on the wing. I sat for awhile on the benches and just listened but didn't hear much as it was so peaceful and quiet there. I came back to the house and made dinner for us and then we watched TV for awhile till it was time for bed.
Thursday we didn't do to much as Mom's back was really bad most of the day and she couldn't do much all day. Friday I got up and tried to get on the computer and couldn't. It wouldn't let me do anything at all so I took it and went out to a couple of repair shops but they couldn't do anything for me for a few days so I came back and called a mobile service and they sent a man out almost immediately. He diagnosed it as a problem with the registry files and he thought that it was something that happened when a Windows update was downloading sometime during the night. Well to make a long story short I had to do a complete restore and lost 95% of everything on the computer. It was just like taking the PC out of the box and I had to start from scratch. The first thing was I couldn't get on the internet as my ATT laptop connect card software needed to be installed again. So Saturday morning I went to Ed's house and used his Road Runner and reinstalled it and came back home. I spent the rest of the day doing bookmarks and installing a few of quicker downloads I needed. We had PPizza Hut pizza for dinner, which was horrible, and watched TV for awhile.
Sunday I got up early to finish the rest of the downloads and found the same thing had happened again and I couldn't open the main page without shutting it down and doing another restore. Well I did but lost my ATT wireless connection again so I had to wait till Ed got up later and I went out there again and downloaded the software. Back home again and I brought the Christmas tree in so we could decoate it on Monday, went to the grocery store and started the RV as the batteries have been low lately. I sat down again and started working on the bookmarks and by the way I didn't lose all the work I had done on Saturday so that was one thing in my favor. It was time for NFL football and I watched the Giants-Eagles game on the computer, however sad it was, and watched a couple of other games on TV. After the games I worked on downloading a few more things and then made dinner and worked on the pc again till bedtime. What a pain it was as we did lose all our bookmarks for the campgrounds we have been in and all the great sites we had visited as we traveled but I suppose I can go through this blog and do searches for them but that will come in time. We also lost all the State Park sites I had bookmarked for future visits but thankfully I had put them on maps so all I have to do is take them off the maps. Thankfully also we didn't lose any of our pictures as we were able to save those before we did the restore. Well time to get back to work on the pc so we will say until next time we miss all you guys and we love you. Mom & Dad
Picture List:All these pictures were take at Heritage Shores Nature Park, 1-Message and map board, 2-Boardwalk, 3-Entrance sign, 4,5-Two of the trail markers, 6-Park map, 7-Coastal Development, 8-Heritage Shores Project History, 9-History of Cherry Grove, 10,11,12,13,14-Marsh and ocean out at the end of the park, 15-Shell Fish of the Salt Marsh, 16-Salt Marsh Habitats, 17-The Maritime Forest, 18-What is an Estuary, 19-Yaupon Holly, 20-Spiders, 21-Sour Cherry, 22-Reindeer Moss, 23-Raccoon, 24-Pear Cactus, 25-Opossum, 26-Marsh Rabbit, 27-Loblolly, 28-Indian Blanket, 29-Hackberries, 30-Groundsel Tree, 31-Gray Squirrel, 32-Goldenrod, 33-Foxes, 34-Field Mouse, 35-Fiddler Crab, 36-Dog Fennel, 37-Cordgrass, 38-Broadleaf Evergreen, 39-Broadhead Skink, 40-Blue Crab, 41-Birds of Prey, 42-Animal Tracks.
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