Friday Mom wanted to visit the nursery at Grand Strand Hospital where she volunteers so she could wish all the nurses a Merry Christmas. I drove her up and dropped her off and she visited for about 30 minutes and saw everybody she wanted to. I know Mom really misses being able to volunteer in the nursery and it breaks her heart not to be able to because of her back. Well hopefully she will be able to get back there before we leave. After we left there we did a few errands we had to and drove back to the house. The weather has been lovely so we took a walk over to the beach with Muffy and Raggs and came back and it was time for dinner.
Saturday we had to run an errand down to Coastal Mall and pick something up so we did a cache after we had finished which was in a light post outside a vitamin shoppe. After that we stopped at Camping World to talk to them about putting a new HD TV in the motor home and also putting in Dish Network so we wouldn't have to rely on cable TV in the campgrounds we stop at. Then we drove back to the house and I baked cookies and Mom then went out and drove for the first time in ages down to WalMart to pick up a few things she wanted to get. She has just about weened herself off the percoset, which is great, and she says she is feeling better especially if she stays somewhat active. She made it back without incident and said she felt pretty good. We had hamburgs for dinner and watched TV for awhile.
Sunday was cookie frosting day so Mom and I did that which took about and hour and a half. After that Mom mixed up a batch of new cookies she has been wanting to try and she had to let them refrigerate for awhile before she could bake them. She went out for a walk over to the ocean and sat on a deck for awhile and watched the ocean seeing as the doctor has told her she shouldn't walk in the soft sand. He said that is about the worst thing you can do for a bad back. I was watching NFL football when she came back so she baked her cookies and then sacked out on the couch for awhile as she was tired. We ate dinner and I watched the Giants-Panthers game, which of course the Giants won in OT and clinched home field advantage for the playoffs. It was well past my bedtime so I turned in at about 11:30. Well time to say until next time and we love and miss you all. Mom & Dad
Picture List:1,2 Mom frosting cookies, 3,4,5-Sunrise Saturday 12/20/2008.
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