Well here it is another year almost shot and we are getting ready for our Christmas Eve celebration with Kim & Sean and our good friends Ed, his Mom & Dad Mary Lee & Charlie, Gina & Steve and Liz and Bob. We started to get things ready early as we had a lot to do. We drove to the store first and got the rolls and a few other things first. I came back and got the "roast beast" ready to go in the oven, made cocktail sauce and Mom and I teamed up on making a strata for Christmas morning breakfast. We got all that done and set the tables and picked up, put Muffy and Raggs's ruffles and reindeer ears on, took showers and got dressed and sat down to wait for Kim & Sean. They got here about 4:00, a little later than expected as Sean kind of got stranded in Allentown Airport on Tuesday because his flight back to Knoxville through Detroit was delayed because of snow and he didn't get back to Morristown until 2:30 am, so he slept in a little bit and then they ran into some heavy traffic around Columbia, SC. We sat and caught up on things and our guests arrived about 4:30-4:45. Boy did we have food. We asked everyone to bring a little something and boy did they. WOW!!!!!!!! Liz and Bob brought a huge pasta salad, a huge fresh fruit salad with peach schnappes, 2 bottles of wine and a large rye bread dip. Gina and Steve brought her famous great sausage balls, and an apple pie with some ice cream. Ed, Mary Lee and Charlie brought a GREAT chocolate truffle that was amazing, divinity, miniature pecan pies and butterscothch cookies in the shape of a Christmas tree. We had shrimp, "roast beast", and Mom's potato salad so as you can see we had enough to feed an army. We sat and chatted and had hors d'oeuvre's and some beer and wine. We ate about 6:30 as the "roast Beast came out great and everybody seemed to enjoy the variety we had and if you went away hungry it was your own fault. After dinner we got picked up and it seemed as if everyone had brought little gifts for each other so we exchanged them. I got a pair of long oven mitts for deep frying, a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, a large variety box of Beers from Around the World and Mom got a beautiful Tweety Bird sweatshirt and a gift pail with wine, cheeses, frit tea and crackers in it and a potato sack. We also got a gift card from Ed which was very nice of him to do. Mary Lee does beautiful embroidery work and when they came down to visit Ed she brought her machine and did potato sacks for everyone and also corn bags. Now your probably asking what are potato sacks? They are canvas bags that you put potatoes in....hahahaha.......well they are then you put them in the microwave for 4 minutes and it cooks the potato.....see I told you they were potato sacks. Now to corn bags......they are also canvas with corn in them and you use them to put in the microwave or freezer to make them hot or cold and you can use them for muscle aches or sore joints or whatever may hurt you. We had one that both Mom and I used on our backs when they were hurting so badly and they are GREAT. After opening gifts we had dessert and WOW again, it was fabulous. Everything that everyone had brought tasted so yummy and of course it was all non fattening. We sat around and chatted for awhile and everybody left about 10:00 and we watched TV for awhile and I went to bed as I was pooped. We would first like to thank Kim and Sean for making the drive from Tennessee to be with us on Christmas as it made seeing the rest of our family a little easier as this is the first year ever we have not seen them during the holidays. Next we would like to thank our good friends Ed, Mary Lee, Charlie, Liz, Bob, Gina and Steve for sharing Christmas Eve with us and again that also helped make it a little easier not seeing our children and grandchildren. Thank you everyone for being with us and making it a GREAT Christmas Eve. Love to you all and especially to our boys and their families. LOVE Mom & Dad
Picture List:1-Ed & Sean, 2-Ed, Sean, Mom & Kim, 3-Ed, Mom, Gina, 4-Mom & Liz with their reindeer antlers thanks to Gina, 5-Mary Lee & Charlie, 6-Liz & Bob, 7-Kim & Ed, 8-Gina, Steve and Sean, 9-Gina (Santa) coming in with presents, 10-Gina & Steve.
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