Monday was our 6 month check up with Dr. Smith so off we went early in the morning. Everything else except Mom's back came out fine as our blood work results were good and everything else checked out fine. The doctor did prescribe the physical therapy for Mom again and of course the epidural shot for her back which is scheduled for Friday afternoon. After the doctor we did a few errands and came back to the house. The rest of the afternoon was spent watching TV and we did take a short walk to the beach. Mom isn't supposed to walk in the soft sand so we just walked to the beach and back.
Tuesday was a lovely day as it was sunny and warm. We took a walk to the beach and back in the morning and went out and ran a few errands. I went out about noon and did 2 caches in the Little River area and the went down to Heritage Shores and took a walk on the trail. It was so quiet and peaceful walking and I even scared a red fox out from under one of the boardwalks and also saw a blue heron. I came back to the house and logged my caches and got ready for my trip to Wilmington caching with Ed, Liz and Bob on Wednesday. We had dinner and watched TV till it was time for bed. Well that's about it so until next time we love and miss you all. Mom & Dad
Picture List: Some more pictures from Heritage Shores Nature Park:1-White Tailed Deer, 2-Wading Birds of the Marsh, 3-Sea Lavender, 4-Sea Daisy, 5-Salt Meadow Cord Grass, 6-Salt Marsh Skipper, 7-Salt Marsh Fishes, 8-The Movement of Coastal Features, 9-Brown Pelicam, 10-View of the outlet to the ocean.
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