Friday morning I hadn't planned on doing much but cleaning the windows on the coach but Tim came out and asked if I wanted to play golf with him and the boys so of course I said yes and off we went to Pope's Grove. The course is a very short 1330 yard par 3 course with 2 short par 4's added in to make it a little interesting. We had a great time and I enjoyed playing with them all. The only thing was that I decided to walk and that was a BIG mistake as by the time I was done my back was killing me. Luke had a little problem with his baseball swing and kept topping the ball and if he can get that out of his swing he should be able to hit the ball fairly well. He did hit some very nice shots and on one hole he even had a bogey. Cody did very well for only the second time on a golf course. He had a 52 and even almost out drove me on one of the par 4 holes. He hit a booming drive of about 170 yards that almost went by my drive. Both boys have a little trouble around the greens on how hard to hit their chips and putts but that is to be expected as it's the hardest part of the game and you can't teach that as it is just a feel and something they have to get used to. All in all it was a lot of fun with 3 generations of Faulkners on the golf course again and I hope it's not the last time. Friday night we went to DelMonico's for dinner with Ceil, Mark, Jeanette and George. Of course I had the 24 oz. steak and I must say it wasn't as good as I have had there before but we still had a good time.
Saturday we drove to Binghamton to see Anna's first soccer game as it's the only one we will be able to see before we head south. I don't quite know how to put this but plain and simple it was a kill, unfortunately, as they lost 15-1. Anna played good though and it was nice to see her enjoying herself on the field and Cheryl and Scott are coaching. The only drawback was the fields were covered in goose poop and it was a very very unsanitary situation as you couldn't take a step without stepping in some. YUCK!!!!!!!!! After the game we went back to the house and spent the day with them and had chicken and pork spedies with macaroni salad for dinner. Mom spent the day playing with Anna and really was tired by the time we left about 7:30 for the drive home, but it was a good tired. Well time to say until next time we love and miss you all.
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