We packed up and were off this morning earlier than we usually leave as we had a 175 mile drive to Seibert, CO along I70. It was a uneventful trip and we might say kind of boring. I mean how many herds of cattle, grasslands, farms and grain silos can you see and how much can they differ. Boy we thought Iowas was flat when we went to see my brother but KS and CO have got them beat hands down. As we said we didn't see much very interesting along the way. We stopped at the CO welcome center so Mom could get her supply of maps, brochures and pamphlets for the Colorado Springs area. She has what we are going to do all planned out already. We got to the Shady Grove Campgrounds about 12:30, checked in and got set up. It's a small campgrounds with some grass on either side of the sites and they are fairly level. The wi-fi is great but the TV leaves a lot to be desired. It's not cable so has to be sattelite and we only get a few analog and a few digital channels and some of them are really snowy. The bathrooms are new and nice and clean. The pool is a joke as it is an above ground pool 4 feet deep and about 15 feet in diameter. The owners are very nice and very helpful. After we had lunch we drove down to see the town of Seibert and that took a total of 5 minutes from one side to the other and back again. NOW I am going to tell you what the population of Seibert is...........guess............180 residents as of the 2000 census. BIG BIG town!!!!!!!!!!!! As we drove around most of the downtown area is empty except for a small grocery store and the post office. As we drove through the residential area there was house after house empty and it kind of reminds me of a ghost town. Well we came back after our long drive and spent the rest of the afternoon at the coach. Well that's about it from the booming town of Seibert so until tomorrow we love and miss you all. Mom & Dad Dori & Dick
PS The bottom 12 pictures are Kansas and the next 11 above them are in Colorado and the rest are Seibert.
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