Monday Mom had PT early in the morning and after she came home we went out caching as there was a new series of caches along a Watertower Road off RT 31. They were put out by one of the local cachers and 3 of them were multi caches and the 4th was a puzzle cache. You had to find the 3 multi caches first as there were coords in each one of them to the final "Bonus" cache. We drove out to the location which is in the middle of nowhere although at one time a group of developers had put a new exit ramp at the location in hopes of building houses back there but right no we believe that is on hold. We found the first 3 multi caches after tramping around in the woods at 3 seperate sites and got the numbers to the final cache. We drove to the bonus cache and found the first stage quickly but when we started after the second stage all we came upon was dense dense woods so it was getting late and we were tired and hungry so we decided to see if there was an easier way in and come back another time. We drove home and had lunch and watched TV the rest of the afternoon.
Tuesday was a wet rainy day so all we did was run a few errands at Wally World and watch TV for the rest of the day. We did go to dinner with Ed, Gina and Steve and we went to Sticky Fingers and had a good meal.
Wednesday Mom hat PT early so she went there and after she got back we went out caching. Raggs had to be dropped off at the vets before we went caching as we thought he might have chewed one of his small toys and swallowed a piece so we wanted him to be X-rayed so we dropped him off along with poor Muffy for company. Our first cache was put out by Liz & Bob near a small pond in NMB and we found that quickly. Next was another cache in NMB in a small wooded area. Next was a cache in back of a shopping center and then we drove back out to Watertower Rd to finish the one cache we left on Monday. We did find a way back into the woods from another direction so we walked back and found the ammo can quickly and walked back out without seeing any critters. Next was a cache in the Heritage Preserve in a group of trees and that turned out to be our last cache as the vet called and said Raggs was ready and that their was nothing showing on the X-ray. We picked them up and went back to the house and had lunch. Mom did our logs and as she finished a new cache popped up not far from the house so we went out and found it and went back home.
Thursday we drove down to Pawley's Island to do some caches and we had very good luck and found 12. Most of the caches were easy ones with a few in small wooded areas, one a near welcome to sign, one at a Food Lion, one near a sewage treatment plant, one near the causeway and one at the South Strand Hospital. We did find one neat one at the Hammock Shops in Pawley's Island that was a bird feeder and was hung outside a store window. After our last cache Mom stopped at the Pottery Outlet and picked up a few things for the RV and we drove home and had lunch. We did go to dinner with Liz, Bob, Gina, Steve and Bob's son from Vancouver and his girlfriend to TGIF.
Friday Mom had PT early and then went directly to the hospital to volunteer in the nursery. I stayed home and was totally bored all day. Mom stopped at Tanger on the way home and picked up a few things for some birthdays we have coming up.
Saturday we were off early with Ed to Marion to put out what we thought was going to be another puzzle cache but we ended up doing 3 caches 2 puzzles and a traditional. We found so many interesting historical sites that we just had to plan on doing 2 caches there. It was a lovely small town USA with lots and lots of early American history. We stopped and got a breakfast sandwich and coffee in the middle of our hunt and we finished up about noon. In between looking for our historic sites we did do 3 caches in the area. One was at the Welcome to Marion sign and the other 2 were done by Ed. One was a puzzle cache at a small park in Marion, which had to do with the walking path in the park. We did it quickly and did get one hint from Ed on a number we had wrong and found the container in a tree in the park. The other was along a bridge which was the Frank L. Prins Bridge on the Marion Hike/Bike Trail. Blumenthal Mills Inc. donated this walking bridge in 1992 in honor of Frank L. Prins in recognition of the significant contributions he has made to their successes thereby beneficial not only to their company but also the city of Marion. We drove back to Ed's house and unloaded the Christmas things that he is going to store for us while we are on the road again and rove back to the house. We had lunch and Mom went out shopping and I watched some basketball games on TV. All in all it was a fun day caching and hunting for historical sites with Ed and Mom.
Well time to say until next time we love and miss you all. Mom & Dad
Picture List:1-Mom, Ed and Francis Marion having a chat on a cold winter morning, 2-Welcome to Marion, 3-Marion Academy HM, 4-Marion Courthouse HM, 5-Marion County HM, 6-Young-Johnson House, 7,8-Water Trough, 9-The Records Building, 10,11-The Old Marion Depot, 12,13,14,-The Grove Inn Ca 1893, 15,16-Star Enterprise Newspaper since 1846, 17,18-Salt Vat, 19,20,21,22-Marion Presbyterian Church, 23,24,25,26-Old Town Hall & Opera House Ca 1892, 27-Oakenwald House, 28,29-McIntyre House, 30-Marion County Courthouse, 31-Marion Academy now a County Museum, 32-Godbold House, 33-Francis Marion "The Swamp Fox" Monument, 34,35-First Methodist Church, 36-Burial plot behind the church, 37,38-Episcopal First Church of the Advent, 39-Confederate Monument, 40,41-Old cannon at the Museum, 42-Bethea House, 43,44-Baxley Hardware.
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