Friday is Mom's day to volunteer in the nursery at the Grand Strand Hospital so off she went about 8:30. Her day went well as she bathed and fed a few babbies and was fairly busy until she left about 3:00. I stayed home of course and watched some TV, did the blog, loaded some pictures on the PC, did a little housework and worked on my cross stitch. That was really about all that was going on here for the day except for the most beautiful sunrise we have ever seen here that happened on Friday morning as you can see by the pictures.
Saturday was a drizzly rainy morning and we had planned to go to the Ocean Isle Beach Oyster Festival so we decided we would drive up there and then decide whether we wanted to go or not. We left about 8:30 and got up there and it was kind of just a light mist so we found a place to park and walked over to where they had all the tents set up. Well, because of the rain, nobody was ready yet so we walked back and stopped in a small restaurant and got a breakfast sandwich and coffee and waited till they were ready. About 945 we walked back and everything was set up so we paid our 5.00 admission and went in. We walked around and looked at all the creaft vendors, of which there was about 100 or so. We really didn't see anything exceptional so we walked over to where they were serving the foods and looked around. They had a bucket of steamed oysters and orders of fried oysters but they were both 15.00 per order and a slab ob BBQ ribs was 30.00 and we thought they were all kind of pricey so we begged off. Mom wanted to take another quick look around the crafts and make sure she didn't miss anything so I went over and got and order of fresh cut fries and sat and waited for her. By the time she got back it was starting to rain pretty good so we headed back to the car and the drive home. This was one of the better festivals we have been to but we kind of thought the food was a little expensive. We drove home and I watched college football for awhile and Mom read. We had dinner and I worked on my cross stitch and Mom watched TV till bed time. Well time to say until next time we love you ALL and miss you ALL. Mom & Dad
Picture List:1-Mom enjoying our fries on a cool rainy day at the Ocean Isle Beach Oyster Festival, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11-Ocean Isle Beach Oyster festival craft tents and food booths, 12,13,14,15,16-Sunrise in Myrtle Beach on Friday 10/17/08
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