Tuesday we went caching with Liz and Bob the "Interlopers from Canada". We headed for Georgetown and did 8 caches ourselves and took them to a few that we had found previously so I think their total was 12 or so. "Dark Shadows-The Gray Man" was one of the caches we found and the story is one of the oldest ghost stories in SC history. There are several versions of the story but the one most accepted tells of a young woman mourning the death of her childhood sweetheart. He had been gone from the area for several months. After returning, he was so anxious to get back to her, that instead of taking the safe route back to his home, he took a short cut through the marsh. Accompanied by his manservant riding a short distance behind, he and his horse came to a sudden stop and began rapidly sinking deeper, and deeper into a patch of deadly quicksand. His manservant was not able to help, and watched the horrific scene of his master and his horse disappearing into the mire. When the young woman heard of her finance's tragic death, she was heartbroken. After he was buried the young woman endlessly walked the same beach that she and her beau had walked. One day, windier than most, with the ocean crashing on the shore more violently than usual, a figure appeared ahead. As the young woman walked toward the figure she swore it was her fiance. He warned her to leave the island; she and her family were in danger.. Then he disappeared. The young woman hurried home and told her parents of the strange experience. Because the young woman was usually sensible and not prone to flights of fancy, the parents heeded the warning and left the island early the next morning. That night a hurricane destroyed most of the homes on the Island but the home of young woman's family was undamaged. According to numerous accounts The Gray Man appears on the beach of Pawleys Island prior to hurricanes and warns the residents of the impending storm and urges them to vacate the island. Those who heed his warning return to find their homes undamaged. Encounters with the Gray Man have occured before every major hurricane that has struck the island for more than 100 years.
Another of the caches took us to an old Baptist cemetery in Georgetown (see pics) and it was very interesting reading the history and looking at the old grave markers which dated back to the middle 1700"s. One of the grave markers was for Elisha Screven who planned and founded Georgetown in 1730-35. There was also another grave marker for a L G Palmer from SC a Pvt in Co B 7 Rect SC Cav Confederate States Army.
All in all it was a great day and tonight we are going out to eat with Gina and Steve to Goobers 52 and leaving early tomorrow for the great snow country although the temperature in Camillus was the same this morning as it was here in MB. Love you all and see you soon.
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