Wednesday we went and did a few caches in Harrison and ran a few errands. Our first cache was one we looked for twice before we found it and it was at the Burlson Youth Center in a tree. Next cache was at the Grubb Spring School in back of the school in the woods. This schoolhouse is on the National Register of Historic Places and if you look at the pictures you will see the 2 -hole outhouse in back of the school.
Our last cache was at another place on the National Register of Historic Places, Haggard-Ford Swinging Bridge. The Haggard Ford Swinging Bridge is being nominated with state significance as an amendment to the "Historic Bridges of Arkansas" multiple property nomination under Criterion A for its association with the World War II era of bridge building and with the Works Progress Administration. Under Criterion C, the Haggard Ford Swinging Bridge is significant for its engineering as one the few remaining historic suspension bridges in Arkansas.
Haggard Ford is named for Mrs. Nancy Haggard, a widow with three children who lived near the creek crossing at the turn of the century. In the late 1930's it was decided to construct a bridge at the ford due to the gravelly nature of Bear Creek, which routinely ensnared automobiles as they crossed stream. The Works Progress Administration paid local laborers a dollar a day to construct the bridge, which was started in 1938 or 1939 and completed in 1941.
On May 7, 1961 a big flood washed much of Harrison away and rendered the Haggard Ford Swinging Bridge incapable of supporting vehicular traffic. It was replaced by an adjacent low-water concrete slab and county maintenance was discontinued.
By 1977, the bridge had deteriorated to the extent that many citizens believed it to be a hazard to the numerous children who patronized the Bear Creek swimming hole underneath the bridge. After several requests for its removal, Boone County Judge Clifford Tomlinson ordered the county road crews to dismantle the bridge. Fortunately, Leon and Gertrude Karasinski circulated a petition signed by 500 residents to save and restore the bridge for foot traffic only. A Bridge Restoration Committee was formed and a "plank sale" rally held on July 30, 1977. Supporters purchased $10 planks on which their name was inscribed. Volunteer labor rebuilt the decking, which was replaced at a cost of $3,281.58. Although 340 planks were needed to replace the deck, over 400 boards were sold, so the hand rail was reconstructed with the additional planks. The grand opening was held on September 3, 1977 with State Representative Hugh Ashley as the speaker.
The Haggard Ford Swinging Bridge is being nominated with state significance as an amendment to the "Historic Bridges of Arkansas" multiple property nomination under Criterion A and C. Under Criterion A, the bridge is categorized within the World War II era of bridge building and is significant for its association with the Works Progress Administration relief efforts in Boone County. Under Criterion C, the Haggard Ford Swinging Bridge is significant for its engineering design. Few suspension bridges have survived in Arkansas, and of those extant and documented, only two are older than the Haggard Ford Bridge (the Beaver Bridge in Carroll County, NR 9/6/90, and the Sylamore Creek Bridge in Stone County).
You can see in the pictures the names of some of the people who bought boards on the bridge.
Thusday we did absolutely nothing at all except walk, read and watch TV. Well that's about all for today so until next time we love and miss you all. Mom & Dad Dori & Dick
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