Well Tuesday we did absolutely nothing at all as it rained most of the day on and off so we just stayed in and watched TV and read. Yesterday we had to take the coach next door to the repair shop so he could pull the slide out room ram out and look at it. We did this then headed out to do a few caches while he worked on it. First 2 caches were along Crooked Creek one in a fence post and the other by a bridge near the creek.
Our last cache was located in Fick Cemetery in Harrison. Fick Cemetery is the oldest cemetery in Harrison, AR. There are no marked graves, and no known records as to who is buried there. Captain Henry W. Fick is the founding father of Harrison. The cemetery is located on what was then his land. It is believed that Fick cemetery was originally a burial site for black slaves and later used as the cemetery for the black community. After the race riots in 1905 – 1910, in an effort to erase all traces of the black community, the headstones were removed and destroyed. No one knows where the graves actually are now, but they do know that they exist.
Fick Cemetery is a stark reminder of Harrison’s past, a part that present residents are not very proud of. Residents are trying hard to remove the stigmatism that plagues Harrison still today.
After the last cache we headed back to the campgrounds to pick up the coach only to find that Brian had already taken it over and parked it minus the side out ram. He showed me the ram and it was broken beyond repair. He had pieces that fell out of it where he didn't even know where they would go if he knew what they were. So now it was call the insurance company and find a new ram. First the ram as we found out it is a 10 day turn around time to make a new one. They have no rams in stock and don't make them till they are ordered. That's 10 days excluding weekends so we are talking 14 days before we can get a new one. Just wonderful stranded here in Harrison for at least 2 more weeks. They will overnight it once it's made so that is good and it will only take a day to put it in. The insurance company instead of okaying it has to send a tecnichan out to look at the problem before they will OK it and that will take a day or 2, who knows. So here we sit for at least 2 weeks with not much to do as we have done most of the caches that are here and there isn't much to see here that we haven't already seen. The joys of RVing. In addition to that it started raing again about 3 pm as what is left of the tropical storm Hermine is on it's way here. Well until tomorrow when we will let you know more, we hope, we miss and love you all. Mom & Dad Dori & Dick
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