Friday morning we packed up early and left Cross lake CG's and drove the coach over to Liverpool to Judy's house, pulled in her side yard, unloaded our refrigerator into hers, closed up the coach and we were off to Orleans, Canada just outside Ottawa to see Liz and Bob our Canadian friends who we met in Myrtle Beach. We went across the border with no problem and got there about 1:30. We sat the rest of the day and chatted and then had another great dinner made by them. The next day we started caching with them and by the time we left for home we had done 34 caches. We did their 3 caches that they have close to their house one in a park and the other 2 in the woods along a trail. I'm not going to bore you with details of every cache as we did a lot of them as I said. There were many nice ones at museums, along the Rideau Canal the world's longest skating rink, in several parks and many many more. We cached each day, came home had lunch and then sat around until dinner. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh the computer, I have to tell you this tale of woe. We got there Friday and I used the computer till Sunday morning and it was fine. We came home Sunday and I got online and our internet card was locked. I call AT&T and they said they locked it because we did not have a International plan only a Domestic plan. We now owed them $1,028.00 for the time we used from Fri. to Sun. Well what a shock but we got it settled by buying a International plan and they rolled the minutes we used into that and that took care of them all and the plan was only $109.99. We needless to say we didn't use the pc much the rest of the time we were there and that is why no blog till now.
Sunday we went into Ottawa caching and watched the changing of the guard at the Parliament which was GREAT and very interesting. One night Mom and Liz went to a Royal Canadian Mounted Police musical show with horses but they got kind of wet. Another day Mom and Liz went to the civilization Museum in Quebec while Bob and I went caching. Wednesday was Canada Day, their equivalent to our Fourth of July so we drove up to their camp in the Canadian wilderness and BBQ'ed steaks and had a great time and meal. We also met Liz's son and daughter and their families and all of them were really nice a gracious.
All in all we had a WONDERFUL time as they fed us very well, we didn't go hungry, and they were such gracious hosts and bent over backward to see that we were well taken care of. They even took us out for lunch to a Chines buffet that was great also. It was so nice to see them both and meet some of their family. Both their houses were very nice and we felt right at home wherever we were. We would like to thank them both for a great time and we will look forward to seeing them in Myrtle Beach this winter.
Friday morning we packed the car and headed for Liverpool to get ready to head for Vermont. We did one nice cache on the way home at the Long Island Mill in Manotick, Canada. This was an outstanding example of mill architecture in Ontario, this grist-mill was constructed by Thomas Langrell, an Ottawa contractor, for Moss K Kickinson (1822-97) and Joseph M Currier (1820-84), the owners of a nearby sawmill. The Long Island Mill began operation in 1860 with four sets of mill-stones driven by water-powered turbines manufactured in Ottawa. By the autumn of 1862 a wollen-mill had been added to this industrial complex, around which the community of Manotick developed. Dickinsen aquired full interest in the mills in 1863 and the family retained ownership of the Long Island Mill until 1929. In 1972 this mill, the adjacent Dickinson House, and the original carriage-shed were purchased and restored by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority. We got home about 1:00 pm and got all unpacked and took Muffy to the vets for her ears, stopped and said hi to Tim and his family and then headed back to the coach.
Well time to say until next time we miss and love you all. Mom & Dad
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