Well here we are another week gone by and it's Father's Day. We spent the week here at Cross Lake Park in our coach visiting and caching. Monday we went caching in the Weedsport, NY area and did several neat caches located in small cemeteries along with many NRV caches. We also took a couple of hikes along the Erie Canal Park doing caches where we were able to bring Muffy and Raggs with us.
Tuesday we drove to Binghamton to visit friends of ours who we met caching in Oak Island, NC. Jen and Jillian are the ones we met on Oak Island and they come to Endicott to visit her Mom and her Mom goes to visit them during the winter. After we got there they took us to the Apple Hills Apple Farm for lunch. We had a great visit over lunch and so enjoyed seeing them all and also had a wonderful lunch. After lunch we loved watching 3 year old Jillian feed the goats on the farm. As long as we were in the area we went to Scott's for dinner and had a nice visit with them and of course Anna was so surprised to see Grandma when she got home from school. We had Fat Jack's wings for dinner and they sure tasted good.....must have been the sauce Fat Jack made.
Wednesday we drove into Auburn, NY as I had to go to Bass Pro Shop to get a new pair of geocaching shoes as I wore the other ones out. I got a nice paid of waterproof Red Head low shoes and a nice pair of shorts which were both on sale. After we got done there we did 3 caches in the area one traditional and 2 multis one of which was in a small cemetery in Skaneateles, NY.
Thursday, Melissa had invited Mom for lunch and us also for dinner. Melissa, Nikki and Mom went to lunch and I drove to Skaneateles to pick up some scripts I had to have refilled. We had a great dinner with them at night and an even GREATER dessert. Melissa made a fruit pizza which was "out of this world". She got some cookie dough and formed it and baked it on a pizza pan and the put strawberries, kiwis, oranges and raspberries on it and covered it with a glaze and it was as I said "OUT OF THIS WORLD". I had 2 pieces and if I wasn't so full would have had more.
Friday we were supposed to go caching with Judy but with the rain she decided not to go but Mom and I did. We did 4 NRV caches in the Baldwinsville area and a puzzle cache at a softball field. After we got done caching I dropped Mom at Judy's and they went shopping and I drove back to the coach. Judy and Mom then came back to the coach and we all had dinner. Judy brought a "cherry pie" which turned out to be raspberry but was delicious and I appreciate her taking the time to bake it.
Saturday was another day of rain and it was miserable all day and poured like it had never rained before in years. We were going to go to Luke's final playoff baseball game but it got called because of the rain after 1 inning with Luke's team leading 3-1 and Tim and his family were supposed to come out to the coach for a cookout but again because of the rain we took everything to their house and had dinner there.
Well that's about it for the week and today is Father's Day but that's another story so we will see you in a few days. Love Mom & Dad
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