Welcome to our Blog

We would like to welcome all our sons, daughter-in-laws, grandchildren and great friends to our blog where we hope you will follow us , the 2 lost gypsies, as we travel around the United States geocaching and seeing all the lovely landscapes and great historical sites. Thank you for visiting and we will see you soon.

Mom & Dad...Grandma & Grandpa.....Dori & Dick

About Us

Anytown, We Hope All of Them, United States
Two wandering gypsies!!!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

MRI on Thursday, Nursery & Halloween on Friday 10/29-30/2008

Mom had her MRI on Friday morning at the South Strand Hospital seeing as they wanted her to have it ASAP and they couldn't fit her in at Grand Strand. I went with her along with Muffy and Raggs and waited out in the car for her. It only took about an hour and we were on our way back to the house. She said it went well as they started out with just a standard MRI and then took her out of the tube and injected her with some dye as they wanted some pictures with some contrast. After we got done we went back home and had lunch and watched TV and took a walk on the beach. By that time we were ready for dinner and watched TV till it was time for bed.
Friday was Mom's day in the nursery at Grand Strand so she left about 8:30. I stayed around the house and did the housework and then started working on a cache in Wilmington that Ed and I are going to put out. It's going to be a puzzle cache and that was the reason we took the trip there on Wednesday. We are going to base it on some of the history that there is in the city, and believe me there is a lot of it. Mom got home about 2:00 and we sat around and talked and watched TV. We were going out with Gina, Steve and Ed for a Halloween dinner at Sticky Fingers. Ed picked us up at 7:15 and we met Gina and Steve there. We had a great dinner as the BBQ and onion strings were great. Gina had brought some Halloween masks that were all wore during dinner and we looked really GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! After dinner we went back to the house and I went to bed and Mom watched TV for awhile. Well time to say until next time we love you all. Mom & Dad

See Mary Lee now you can see what your son does with his spare time.....isn't he cute????????????

Picture List:These were taken on Halloween at Sticky Fingers.1-Steve, 2,3-Gina, 4,5-Ed, 6-Dori, 7,8-Dick.

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