Welcome to our Blog

We would like to welcome all our sons, daughter-in-laws, grandchildren and great friends to our blog where we hope you will follow us , the 2 lost gypsies, as we travel around the United States geocaching and seeing all the lovely landscapes and great historical sites. Thank you for visiting and we will see you soon.

Mom & Dad...Grandma & Grandpa.....Dori & Dick

About Us

Anytown, We Hope All of Them, United States
Two wandering gypsies!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Volunteering, Caching, & Super Bowl Party 1/30-2-3/2009

Friday, seeing as we had to cancel our trip to Tennessee to see Kim and Sean, Mom went to the hospital to volunteer in the nursery. It was a good thing she did because as soon as she walked in they welcomed her with open arms. They were quite busy with lots of babies already born and even more on the way. She got to feed a set of twins, helped with a couple of circumcisions and got to bathe and hold lots of little ones.....right up her alley. I hung around home and did a little cleaning and watched TV. By the way the reason we didn't go to TN was that Sean got delayed in London as his meetings lasted longer than they expected them to and he wasn't flying home until Saturday morning.
Saturday we gave Ed a call and went out and did a few caches with him. We went out off Water Tower Rd which is a fairly deserted wooded area and found 3 caches there and then we did a few others that Ed hadn't found yet before he dropped us off and had lunch with us and Mom went out and had coffee with Gina. Saturday night was the monthly geocaching meeting at Surf's Up a game and food restaurant. We went out and had a little problem finding the place as we really didn't know where it was so once we found it we kind of wished we hadn't gone. It was very noisy and you could hardly hear anything as you sat and tried to talk. Also the food looked very unappetizing, as it was a pizza buffet, so we stayed for a little while and left and went across the street to Buffalo Wild Wings and had supper with Ed, Liz, Bob, John and Nancy. We sure had a better time than we would have if we had stayed there.
Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday so we hung around the house till about 2:00 pm and then we made a antipasto and left to go over to watch the game and have a party at Liz and Bob's condo. They have a big screen TV so it was nice watching the game there rather than on out little TV. We had dip, brieand crackers, shrimp, baked chicken in a great sauce, garlic bread, our antipasto and fruit salad. All in all it was a great afternoon and evening and we had a good time watching the game with everyone. We left about 9:30 and came back to the house and watched the end of the game. Wish the Cardinals had won though.
Monday we went caching alone to get a few of the newer caches that had been put out recently. Our first one was a cache again out off Water Tower Rd near an abandoned bird house, second was a cache in the woods again on another dirt road way out off the main road. Third was a cache near a golf store, fourth was another cache in a small set of woods, (it really is amazing how many of these small wooded areas there are around MB) fifth was a cache located in another wooded area in a small neighborhood and it was about a 1/4 mile walk into the cache. Sixth was a cache near Coastal Carolina University and our last cache was a new one in a church parking lot. After we finished we stopped at Camping World and talked to them about installing our TV next Monday and about their feeling on the Direct TV installation and about what we can expect once we have it done. We learned a lot and now know what we will get and won't get. Off back to the house for the rest of the day.
Tuesday went with Liz and Bob caching to help them get a few caches that we had found already as we would like to see them get to 1000 caches before we leave at the end of the month. We went into Myrtle Beach and the surrounding area and helped them find 12 caches to add to their numbers. We stopped at Hardee's for lunch and then came back to the house. Tomorrow we have to drive to Wilmington to pick up our friend Judy coming down from Syracuse for a 2 week visit and plan to do a little caching before we pick her up.
Well time to close so until next time we love and miss you all. Mom & Dad

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